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3.39/5 (sur 9 notes)

Nationalité : Royaume-Uni
Né(e) : 1938
Biographie :

Diplômé de St John's College à Cambridge (1961), Neil Grant est auteur de plusieurs ouvrages historiques jeunesse de non-fiction.

Il a écrit également de non-fiction historique pour adultes sous le pseudonyme de David Mountfield.

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Bibliographie de Neil Grant   (13)Voir plus


Citations et extraits (4) Ajouter une citation
Sometimes, the vehicles themselves caused casualties. Fingers got broken or lost nails when trapped in closing hatches, while the commander’s hatch on the Crusader and Covenanter was notorious for its weak catch. This let it swing forward if the vehicle stopped abruptly, smashing into the back of the commander’s head, simultaneously concussing him and knocking his front teeth out against the front hatch rim.
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The procurement process for the SA80 was opaque and apparently dominated first by a concern with ‘buying British’ rather than ‘buying the best’, then by an unwillingness to admit previous mistakes.
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Whatever one’s opinion of the SA80 family, it has undoubtedly been a significant weapon, albeit not always in a positive sense.
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............. et ça repart !


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