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3.68/5 (sur 11 notes)

Nationalité : États-Unis
Né(e) à : San Francisco , le 12/11/1962
Biographie :

Naomi Wolf est une auteure et consultante politique américaine.

Née dans une famille juive, sa famille paternelle a été décimée par l'holocauste. Sa mère est anthropologue et son père, Leonard Wolf, né en Roumanie, est poète, enseignant et auteur de roman gothique.

Avec la publication de "Quand la beauté fait mal," (The Beauty Myth, How Images of Beauty Are Used Against Women, 1990) elle est devenue l'une des représentantes de ce qui sera décrit plus tard comme la Troisième vague féministe.

Elle reste une avocate des causes féministes et des politiques progressistes, insistant ces dernières années sur une dégradation des institutions démocratiques aux États-Unis.

Elle fut mariée à David Shipley, qui fut la "plume" du président Bill Clinton, et dont elle a eu deux enfants.

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Five Questions With Naomi Wolf. Naomi R. Wolf is an author, journalist, and former political advisor to Al Gore and Bill Clinton. Wolf first came to prominence in 1991 as the author of The Beauty Myth, which became an international bestseller and was named "one of the seventy most influential books of the twentieth century" by the New York Times. Stony Brook University’s “Five Questions With …” video series showcases leaders from every field, sharing ambitious ideas and imaginative solutions for education and the global future.

Citations et extraits (4) Ajouter une citation
Someday all our kids and grandkids will ask each of us directly : "Why did you stand by? Why did you not help me? " "I could not breathe." Or, God forbid : "Now I have these health problems."
Or else they will say : "Thank you so much for speaking for me when I was too little to speak."
"Dad, Mom, Grandma, Grandpa," they will ask : "What did you do?"
So let me leave you with this question :
What did you do?
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Who are those now standing up, speaking out and taking risks against encroaching tyranny?
Overwhelmingly, it is not the "Zoom class", for all their virtue-signaling about social justice.
It is working people. It is truckers, moms, firefighters, and cops. When I spoke at a rally against forcing injections on first responders in NYC, the audience was made up mostly of working people. The people who march for every other cause in NYC - my affluent, liberal "tribe" - sat that one out.
It was the first responders who put their bodies in harm's way for the safety of my colleagues and acquaintances. But when it came to it, when it came to protecting the bodies of first responders from coercion and harm, the "Zoom class" failed utterly to reciprocate with courage of their own. To say the least, in this time of testing, we have not all been equally brave.
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In this moment when freedom itself is in the balance, when the alternative is servitude forever, this decision on whether to speak up makes all the difference. Tyrannies only fall when there is mass resistance. History is clear on this. When it is just a few, well, they are marginalized, silenced, smeared, or, when things go far enough, arrested. What matters most is that enough people stand up and resist all at once.
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For the duration of the pandemic, an old friend - an affluent, educated man who works at the Pasteur Institute - harangued me continually on social media, assailing me for my warnings about harms from mRNA vaccines.
Since reports questioning the data integrity of Pfizer's vaccine trials emerged, his trolling abruptly ceased.
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