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3.11/5 (sur 14 notes)

Nationalité : Royaume-Uni
Né(e) à : Fulham , le 12/12/1929
Mort(e) à : Clun , le 24/12/1994
Biographie :

Auteur dramatique britannique, également scénariste et acteur.

John Osborne est né en 1929 au sein d'une famille de la classe moyenne. Sa pièce "La Paix du dimanche", écrite alors qu'Osborne a 25 ans, est créée à Londres en 1956 et remporte un succès immédiat. Elle sera par la suite considérée comme une des premières manifestations du mouvement contestataire des "angry young men" qui agitera l'Angleterre vers la fin des années 1950.

L'année suivante, Osborne propose "Le Cabotin", un drame dont Laurence Olivier tient le rôle titre. "La Paix du dimanche" et "Le Cabotin" seront toutes deux portées à l'écran par Tony Richardson.

En 1963, Osborne gagne l'Oscar du meilleur scénario adapté pour le film "Tom Jones" réalisé par Richardson d'après le roman de Henry Fielding.

Osborne est mort des suites du diabète le 24 décembre 1994, peu de temps après son 65e anniversaire.

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Source : Wikipedia
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Sont abordées, les pièces de Théâtre suivantes : - "Luther", de John OSBORNE, mis en scène par Georges WILSON - "Zoo story", d'Edward ALBEE et "Le rêve de l'Amérique", d'Edward ALBEE, mise en scène Laurent TERZIEFF - "Les Bargasses", de MARC'O - "L'Orphelin de la Chine", de VOLTAIRE, mis en scène par Jean MERCURE - "Don Juan", de MOLIERE, mis en scène par...

Citations et extraits (10) Ajouter une citation
John Osborne
Demander à un écrivain ce qu'il pense des critiques, c'est demander à un réverbère ce qu'il pense des chiens.
Commenter  J’apprécie          330
JIMMY: Do the Sunday papers make you feel ignorant?
CLIFF: Not ‘arf.
JIMMY: Well, you are ignorant. You’re just a peasant. (To Alison.) What about you? You’re not a peasant are you?
ALISON: (absently). What’s that?
JIMMY: I said do the papers make you feel you’re not so brilliant after all?
ALISON: Oh—I haven’t read them yet.
JIMMY: I didn’t ask you that. I said—
CLIFF: Leave the poor girlie alone. She’s busy.
JIMMY: Well, she can talk, can’t she? You can talk, can’t you? You can express an opinion. Or does the White Woman’s Burden make it impossible to think?
ALISON: I’m sorry. I wasn’t listening properly.
JIMMY: You bet you weren’t listening. Old Porter talks, and everyone turns over and goes to sleep. And Mrs. Porter gets ‘em all going with the first yawn.
CLIFF: Leave her alone, I said.
JIMMY: (shouting). All right, dear. Go back to sleep. It was only me talking. You know? Talking? Remember? I’m sorry.
CLIFF: Stop yelling. I’m trying to read.
JIMMY: Why do you bother? You can’t understand a word of it.
CLIFF: Uh huh.
JIMMY: You’re too ignorant.
CLIFF: Yes, and uneducated. Now shut up, will you?
Commenter  J’apprécie          10
JIMMY: Perhaps there’s a concert on. (...) Oh, yes. There’s a Vaughan Williams. Well, that’s something, anyway. Something strong, something simple, something English. I suppose people like me aren’t supposed to be very patriotic. Somebody said—what was it— we get our cooking from Paris (that’s a laugh), our politics from Moscow, and our morals from Port Said. Something like that, anyway. Who was it? (Pause.) Well, you wouldn’t know anyway.
Commenter  J’apprécie          10
CLIFF: Give me a cigarette, will you?
JIMMY (to Allison) : Don’t give him one.
CLIFF: I can’t stand the stink of that old pipe any longer. I must have a cigarette.
JIMMY: I thought the doctor said no cigarettes?
CLIFF: Oh, why doesn’t he shut up?
JIMMY: All right. They’re your ulcers. Go ahead, and have a bellyache, if that’s what you want. I give up. I give up. I’m sick of doing things for people. And all for what?
Commenter  J’apprécie          10
JIMMY: If you’ve no world of your own, it’s rather pleasant to regret the passing of someone else’s. I must be getting sentimental. But I must say it’s pretty dreary living in the American Age—unless you’re an American of course. Perhaps all our children will be Americans. That’s a thought isn’t it?
Commenter  J’apprécie          10
The injustice of it is about perfect—the wrong people going hungry, the wrong people being loved, the wrong people dying… while the rest of the world is being blown to bits around us what matters — me, me me.
Commenter  J’apprécie          10
JIMMY: Why do I do this every Sunday? Even the book reviews seem to be the same as lastweek’s. Different books—same reviews. Have you finished that one yet?

Commenter  J’apprécie          10
It's my own decision entirely. In fact, she's just been trying to talk me out of it. It's just that suddenly, tonight, I see what I have really known all along. That you can't be happy when what you're doing is wrong, or hurting someone else. I suppose it could never have worked, anyway, but I do love you, Jimmy. I shall never love anyone as I have loved you. But I can't go on. I can't take part - in all that suffering. I can't!
Commenter  J’apprécie          00
JIMMY: Nobody thinks, nobody cares. No beliefs, no convictions and no enthusiasm. Just another Sunday evening.
Commenter  J’apprécie          10
They all want to escape from the pain of being alive. And, most of all, from love.
Commenter  J’apprécie          10

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