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Bibliographie de Jay M. Pasachoff   (3)Voir plus

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What do NASA and Andy Warhol have in common? The answer is Phaidon?s Universe: Exploring The Astronomical World. Explore the stars and planets and beyond in this expertly curated collection of 300 fascinating images ranging from ancient cave paintings, scientific drawings, and iconic photographs, to pop art, kinetic sculptures, and animation. Learn more here: Praise for Universe: Exploring The Astronomical World: ?An awe-inspiring survey of ways in which the cosmos has been depicted through the ages and around the world. Three hundred images in unexpected pairings integrate the worlds of art and science.? ?Publishers Weekly "An amazingly eclectic and beautiful set of images. Each image is accompanied by an educated and informative caption. As someone engaged in writing about the interface of art and astronomy, I admire the diversity of the selection in addition to the images' individual beauty." ?Jay M. Pasachoff, Chair, International Astronomical Union Working Group on Solar Eclipses and Field Memorial Professor of Astronomy, Williams College "A beautiful book for anyone with a curious mind." ?Cool Hunting "Our interaction with the night sky doesn't just influence science; it affects all aspects of human culture. This beautifully produced book presents hundreds of "responses to the cosmos"... The images are organized in a non-chronological sequence. [...] This juxtaposition is very effective at breaking down apparent barriers between art and astronomy... The introduction to the book by eminent astronomer Purl Murdin is a model of clarity... This book is an overwhelming (and rather moving) reminder of how humans have always been, and continue to be, inspired by the night sky." ?BBC Sky At Night ?Artistic wanderlust you can explore at your leisure from the comfort of your home.? ?Cool Material

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