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5/5 (sur 3 notes)

Nationalité : États-Unis
Né(e) à : Lawrenceville, Illinois , le 10/01/1975
Biographie :

David Wong, né le 10 janvier 1975 à Lawrenceville dans l'Illinois, est un écrivain américain de science-fiction. Il est le rédacteur en chef du site humoristique
Son nom de naissance est Jason Pargin.

Source : wikipedia
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Citations et extraits (3) Ajouter une citation
- We all made choices and here we are, all still alive, all able to make more choices. That's the best you're going to get, the chance to keep trying. If it turns out it's all an illusion or a dream or whatever, so what? Your choices are your choicesn they're the only thing that's real because they're the only part you can control."

- Are you sure? that we can control them, I mean?"

- I'm sure that if I'm wrong, then nothing matters anyway.
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Jason Pargin
"We all made choices and here we are, all still alive, all able to make more choices. That's the best you're going to get, the chance to keep trying. If it turns out it's all an illusion or a dream or whatever, so what? Your choices are your choicesn they're the only thing that's real because they're the only part you can control."

"Are you sure? that we can control them, I mean?"

"I'm sure that if I'm wrong, then nothing matters anyway."
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Depression means expending all your energy to avoid having to expend energy. I wish someone would invent a pill that would give me the motivation to go pick up my Lexapro refill.
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