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Biographie :

G. J. Ogden studied Physics at UMIST, but spent more time writing for and later editing the University magazine, GRIP, which kick-started a love of writing. A proud nerd and sci-fi geek, he is the author of the post-apocalyptic sci-fi thriller series, The Planetsider Trilogy, and the Space Opera epic, The Contingency War Series.

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“People are easier to manipulate than you’d think,” Sonner answered, “At first, they ‘came in peace’; it was all very sci-fi and exciting. But sadly our blinkered romanticism made us foolish and careless. No-one comes in peace, Captain Taylor Ray; every living creature in the universe wants something and is willing to take it by force.”
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“You are alive, Captain,” replied Sonner, speaking the words as if
they bore great significance. “For the first time since you were created,
you are truly aware of who and what you are. You’re no longer a puppet,
can’t you see that? You’re unique.”
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Humans were a virus, and like many viruses, they had a way of surviving.
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Que diable allait-il faire dans cette galère ?

L' Avare
Les Fourberies de Scapin
Le Malade imaginaire

12 questions
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Thèmes : culture générale , théâtre , pièce de theatre , répliquesCréer un quiz sur cet auteur

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