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Bibliographie de Francis Dumaurier   (2)Voir plus


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( Francis Dumaurier, talking about the French Fries) : « My friend Patrick Kurtkowiak came to spend two weeks in New York in September 1981. But this time he came with a small budget to record four songs he had written, which he hoped to distribute in Paris. I called my friend Chris, and we had a guitarist. Chris called Gary, and we had a bassist. Then I called Giorgio, who recommended Sami, the French drummer of the Volcanos, a rock band from the Lower East Side. The band was now complete with Patrick as the singer. I named our new group the French Fries. »
The songs can be listened on Patrick Kurtkowiak’s site :
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(Giorgio Gomelsky, talking about Brian Jones) : « I warned him. I told him, I have no doubt that you’ll get there. I warned him. I was four or five years older than him. Not that much, you know. »
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La vie, c'est ce qui nous arrive pendant que nous pensons à autre chose.
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Parce que c'était lui, parce que c'était moi.
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Lecteurs de Francis Dumaurier (2)Voir plus

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Professions des personnages de roman ( avec indices)

Charles, le mari d'Emma Bovary dans Mme Bovary de Gustave Flaubert Indice : hippocrate


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