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Nationalité : États-Unis
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Dave Cullen est un journaliste et un auteur de non-fiction.

Il est diplômé de l'Université de l'Illinois à Urbana-Champaign.

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Source : Wikipédia
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Citations et extraits (7) Ajouter une citation
Shooting season, they began to call it. The perpetrator was always a white boy, always a teenager, in a placid town few had ever heard of. Most of the shooters acted alone. Each attack erupted unexpectedly and ended quickly, so TV never caught the turmoil. The nation watched the aftermaths: endless scenes of schools surrounded by ambulances, overrun by cops, hemorrhaging terrified children.
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Two weeks into the struggle, Jackie had identified a new enemy: fear. Politicians were afraid of the NRA and its supposed political omnipotence, which would crush their careers if they dared step out of line. Reasonable gun owners were afraid of making modest concessions that they actually agreed with, because ceding the momentum would supposedly ignite a wave of dizzying defeats ending in the abolishment of the Second Amendment and the end of deer hunting. The NRA preached “Never give an inch.” Don’t support measures you agree with; support holding the line. “I think people are scared to make such a big change,” Jackie said. “Even though maybe their moral compass is saying it’s right. Just like the civil rights movement . . .
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 In 1885, the term psychopath was introduced to describe vicious human predators who were not deranged, delusional, or depressed. They just enjoyed being bad. Psychopaths are distinguished by two characteristics. The first is a ruthless disregard for others: they will defraud, maim, or kill for the most trivial personal gain. The second is an astonishing gift for disguising the first. It’s the deception that makes them so dangerous. You never see him coming. (It’s usually a him—more than 80 percent are male.) Don’t look for the oddball creeping you out. Psychopaths don’t act like Hannibal Lecter or Norman Bates. They come off like Hugh Grant, in his most adorable role.
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After two decades of research based on the voices of victims and victim advocates, and responses from the best minds in academia, psychology, criminology, and journalism, plausible roads out seem clear: major reforms to the easy access to deadly weapons and ammunition; a targeted approach to mental health in the form of screening for teen depression, every semester, in every high school in the country; and a major change in the media’s coverage of these killers, which lionizes them in the eyes of unraveling future perps.
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Eric had a preposterously grand supériorité complexe, a revulsion for authority, and an excruciating need for control. 'I feel like God", Eric announced. " I am higher than almost anyone in the fucking World in terms if Universal intelligence".
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Yes in twenty years, America alone has lost 683 lives in 81 mass shootings, and we've done virtually nothing.
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In the ten years after Colombine, more than eighty school shooting took place in the United States.
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10 phrases incomplètes ... mais drôles 😂 🤣

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c'est beau et mien
les grands rhums aident
où est le bec ?
Adam part !
les vaches aussi

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