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Vidéos de Alexandre Ananoff (1)
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videos13 juillet 2023
After a background in physical sciences, management and communication and fifteen years of experience in the industry, Laurence Honnorat presides over Innovaxiom, founded in 2007. Innovaxiom, a strategy consulting company, builds and implements projects in science. Laurence Honnorat is also at the origin of the creation in 2012 of Innovaxiom Corp, based in Boston. She is co-founder of the Out Of Atmosphere Foundation for space exploration. In 2016 Laurence created, a network of scientific speakers, and in 2017, an exhibition of online photographic collections. In 2018, she launches TimeWorldEvent, a world science congress, and in 2020, the general interest association in response to the eponymous YouTube channel, created in 2011 and of which she is the producer. She works as a strategy consultant, particularly in industry, on issues related to anticipation and in higher education where she addresses the themes of idea emergence, communication and project management. In 2019, she received the Alexandre Ananoff prize from the Société Astronomique de France for her actions in favour of the valorisation of space culture.

March 17, 2023 in Parc ornithologique du Teich.

Rencontres Exobiologiques pour Doctorants is an annuel meeting adress to:
• Any student preparing his PhD thesis in Astronomy, Geology, Chemistry, Biology or History/Philosophy of sciences in France or any other country.
• Any students or young scientist wishing to acquire an interdisciplinary training in astrobiology to complete their initial training and to be able to address issues about the origins of life on Earth, its evolution and its distribution in the Universe.
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Lecteurs de Alexandre Ananoff (1)Voir plus

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Gérard Depardieu dans les adaptations au cinéma.

En 1971, il joue dans "Un peu de soleil dans l'eau froide" de Jacques Deray. Qui a écrit le livre ?

Marguerite Duras
Françoise Sagan
André Gide
François Mauriac

12 questions
583 lecteurs ont répondu
Thèmes : adapté au cinéma , cinema , adaptation , Cinéma et littérature , films , littérature , Acteurs de cinéma , acteurCréer un quiz sur cet auteur

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