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Writer Essay

Lecteur inscrit le 14/02/2022

1 abonnés
A good essay is an effective essay. It shows what an applicant is like as a person and as a professional. So what kind of essays does the admissions committee require? It is in order to answer this question that we found an interview with Ruben Salinos, president of He will try to answer the most common questions about writing a good essay.

What are essays for? I'll answer this question from a business school perspective. The admissions committee wants to understand what the applicant is like and to find out why he wants to get an MBA. It is trying to get to know him as a person. It is not as interested in work experience, characterization, or skills. The school is looking for honesty, maturity, interpersonal skills, and the ability to relate to others in the prospective student. As I watched the admissions officers of the most prestigious schools, I realized that their choices were mainly based on three criteria: academic performance, personal and professional qualities.

Academic standing: Admissions officers are interested in hearing about the intellectual and analytical ability of the applicant and his or her diligence.

Personal qualities: They are looking for someone with a lot of self-confidence, natural instincts for leadership, strong motivation, and an exceptional intelligence.

Professional qualities: they want to know if the candidate had experience that helped shape their professional skills, as well as communication skills and the ability to
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