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EAN : 978B07GWT8ZC9
321 pages
NO EXIT PRESS (21/03/2019)
3.5/5   1 notes
Résumé :
After Brooklyn mob widow Rena Ruggiero hits her eighty-year-old neighbour Enzio on the head with an ashtray when he makes an unwanted move on her, she steals his vintage Chevy Impala and retreats to the Bronx home of her estranged daughter, Adrienne, and her granddaughter, Lucia, only to be turned away at the door. Their neighbour, Lacey ‘Wolfie’ Wolfstein, a one-time Golden Age porn star and retired Florida Suncoast grifter, takes Rena in and befriends her. When Lu... >Voir plus
Que lire après A Friend is a Gift you Give YourselfVoir plus
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I've got this book of quotes in my bathroom, Wolfstein says. You probably couldn't see it. Big white book next to the stacks of toilet paper. Thousands of quotes. My favorite is "A friend is a gift you give yourself." That's from Robert Louis Stevenson. We're meant-to-be pals, Rena, I can feel it. You want to talk, I'm here for you.
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