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EAN : 978B00QCK36GW
Random House Audiobooks (17/07/2014)
5/5   1 notes
Résumé :
Karin Slaughter is simply one of the best thriller writers working today, and Cop Town shows the author at the top of her game - relentless pacing, complex characters, and gritty realism, all set against the backdrop of a city on the edge. Slaughter's eye for detail and truth is unmatched...I'd follow her anywhere.' Gillian Flynn, author of Gone Girl. Atlanta, 1974. As a brutal killing and a furious manhunt rock the city, Kate Murphy wonders if her first day on the ... >Voir plus
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Payot - Marque Page - Karin Slaughter - Girl, Forgotten
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Roger-Jon Ellory : " **** le silence"


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