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5/5 (sur 1 notes)

Nationalité : Canada
Né(e) à : Canada
Biographie :

Illustrateur canadien.

Son site :

Andrew Kolb est un scénariste et dessinateur ayant commencé sa carrière en 1986. Il illustre des livres pour enfants, des comics, etc. Il vit en Ontario au Canada.

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Bibliographie de Andrew Kolb   (4)Voir plus


Citations et extraits (1) Ajouter une citation
Mot d'introduction de l'auteur :

This is where it would say that this is published by Penguin or someone super cool.
As it were, this is still but a concept book. I did it to do it and now it’s done.
Normally this legal page would list a bunch of addresses
in New York, London, Vancouver, and maybe even Dublin.
Oh, and I’ll throw Brisbane in there for good measure.
I appreciate all the legal bits as it’s that part that helps make this all happen.
Except that you have this book and this page is still relegated to my ramblings.
That’s part of what I love about the internet, it’s a chance to SHARE with others!
I suppose some of the content that is shared out there wouldn’t pass my content filter, but for the most part
I’ve discovered a lot of great work and met a lot of wonderful people because of this new fangled technology.
Well done, internet. Well done.
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Le bon mot ! (3)



15 questions
646 lecteurs ont répondu
Thèmes : culture générale , vocabulaire , français , motsCréer un quiz sur cet auteur

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