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4.06/5 (sur 9 notes)

Nationalité : Canada
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Amy Lea est une bureaucrate canadienne le jour et une autrice de romances contemporaines la nuit.
Elle vit à Ottawa.

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The truth is, I no longer use terms like 'body positivity' and 'self-love.' Instead, I now use 'body respect' and 'self-acceptance.' Why? Because loving yourself ALL THE TIME is unrealistic. We all have days where we doubt ourselves. And that’s when we need to focus on acceptance and respect for ourselves, not hate or love. I can love my body and still have moments of doubt without feeling guilty about it. I’m sick of being 'too fat' for society, and then demonized if I don’t 'love myself anyway.' It’s an unhealthy cycle, and it took this experience to see it.
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'[…] Real life isn’t a ninety-minute movie or a three-hundred-page novel. It takes time to truly understand what someone else needs and how the other person communicates their love.'
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Darkness is attracted to light. People who are sad and toxic can’t handle when other people are happy and successful. Don’t let them drag you down.
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ahmed sefrioui
victor hugo
mohemed kamal
najib mahfoud

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