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70 pages
1 (15/08/2022)
5/5   1 notes
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In this book, we’ve collected useful English idioms, sayings, and phrases you should know to write and speak like a well-educated native speaker.
This dictionary contains only the most important idioms with clear and simple definitions and up-to-date example sentences.
All hands on deck;
Said the pot to the kettle;
Do someone a world of good;
Keep tabs on;
Eat someone out of house a... >Voir plus
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Critiques, Analyses et Avis (1) Ajouter une critique
This book is ideal for students preparing for exams, professionals aiming to sound more polished, or anyone looking to enhance their English skills. The featured idioms are not only commonly used in everyday conversation but also reflect the cultural richness of the English language. Each idiom is accompanied by clear explanations of its meaning, usage, and context, ensuring a thorough understanding for readers. The examples provided are contextually relevant and aid in grasping the idioms' appropriate usage in different scenarios. If you aim to speak and write English like a pro, "English Idioms Vocabulary 2022 Complete Edition" is the book for you. It's a friendly guide that makes learning idioms easy and enjoyable.
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Citations et extraits (1) Ajouter une citation
Be the spitting image of somebody.
Meaning: To look very similar to someone. When someone is described as the "spitting image" of another, their physical features, facial expressions, and overall look are so similar that they could easily be mistaken for being the same person or closely related.
Example: He's the spitting image of his older brother; The young actress is the spitting image of her famous mother; ...
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Harry Potter et les reliques de la mort

Ou va Harry et Hermione après avoir vu Voldemort et Nagini à Godric Hollow

Chez Luna
À Poudlard
Dans la forêt de Dean

11 questions
2 lecteurs ont répondu
Thème : Harry Potter, tome 7 : Harry Potter et les reliques de la mort de J. K. RowlingCréer un quiz sur ce livre

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