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EAN : 9781444712179
360 pages
Hodder Paperbacks (30/07/2015)
4.12/5   4 notes
Résumé :
When new boyfriend Jack stands her up at the airport, Ruby Miller dries her tears, jumps on the Eurostar and heads to Paris. She thinks she's going there to visit an old friend and have a total break from romance.
But the City of Love has other ideas.

A locked apartment where time has stood still, a bundle a long-lost love letters and a flirtatious French lawyer sweep Ruby into a mystery that spans three-quarters of a century. Who is the author... >Voir plus
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Turning a corner in Paris, I soon realise, is like unwrapping a gift. Round each one is something new to be discovered and I breathe it all in. There might only be a tunnel separating us, but Paris feels a million miles away from London. Wrapped up in a language that sounds so wonderful that I keep catching myself eavesdropping on conversations, even though I have no clue what's being said, I see something gorgeous everywhere I look.
Coorection: gawp. I'm not kidding. I spend half the time pinned to the spot staring at things with my mouth wide open.
No wonder this city has inspired so many love stories, I reflect, as I weave my way through cobbled backstreets and onto wide boulevards. Paris is just so seductive. Even the harshest cynic couldn't fail to be charmed by the romance coming out of every cobble, every hidden courtyard, every snippet of French and whiff of a Gauloise cigarette.
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Roger-Jon Ellory : " **** le silence"


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