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Critique de RoosBooks

Murder on the Orient express takes place in a train that goes from Simplon to Orient. At the beginning Poirot was on hollydays but a letter tells him to come back to London. A morning they discover a dead body, the body of Ratchett was stabbed, the investigation start, Poirot ask many question to all of the passengers, Poirot already had some suspect, stranger from other country and Poirot thought that was suspicious, finally we discover that a all family did the murder, they all stabbed one time the victim.
We are recommanding this book because there is a lot of suspens, the investigation is interesting, to learn more and more, even the reader don't know the murderer and the outcome. It's pretty surprising.

VERZELLONI Paolo 1G1 Roosevelt
JALLAT Simon 1G1 Roosevelt
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