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EAN : 9781444732221
473 pages
Hodder Paperbacks (31/12/2010)

Note moyenne : /5 (sur 0 notes)
Résumé :
When her four-year-old daughter informs her a sick man is in their yard, Honor Gillette rushes out to help him. But that 'sick' man turns out to be Lee Coburn, the man accused of murdering seven people the night before. Dangerous, desperate, and armed, he promises Honor that she and her daughter won't be hurt as long as she does everything he asks. She has no choice but to accept him at his word.

But Honor soon discovers that even those close to her c... >Voir plus
Que lire après LethalVoir plus

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Retrouvez le bon adjectif dans le titre - (6 - polars et thrillers )

Roger-Jon Ellory : " **** le silence"


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