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EAN : 9781838951047
272 pages
ECCO (09/02/2021)
4/5   2 notes
Résumé :
Teenage Eulabee and her magnetic best friend, Maria Fabiola, own the streets of Sea Cliff, their foggy oceanside San Francisco neighborhood. They know Sea Cliff’s homes and beaches, its hidden corners and eccentric characters—as well as the upscale all-girls’ school they attend. One day, walking to school with friends, they witness a horrible act—or do they? Eulabee and Maria Fabiola vehemently disagree on what happened, and their rupture is followed by Maria Fabiol... >Voir plus
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C'est les années 80, c'est San Francisco et ses collines, un quartier huppé et les codes sociaux qui en découlent. Eulabee a 14 ans et comme tout son entourage, amis, professeurs et garçons, elle est sous le charme de la magnétique Maria Fabiola, sa meilleure amie. Belle, drôle, riche et sûre de son charme, celle-ci fait la pluie et le beau temps dans leur petit microcosme, rythmant leurs sorties et leurs activités. Un beau jour, malheureusement, Eulabee commet un impair en ne se rangeant pas à l'avis de Maria Fabiola, et à l'âge où le moindre écart peut vous faire tomber en disgrâce, c'est le début d'une sacrée dégringolade.

Vandela Vida nous livre un vibrant roman sur l'amitié entre filles, l'adolescence et ses drames à petite échelle. C'est malin, nostalgique, vivant, et ça se dévore.
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We are thirteen, almost fourteen, and these streets of Sea Cliff are ours. We walk these streets to our school perched high over the Pacific and we run these streets to the beaches, which are cold, windswept, full of fishermen and freaks. We know these wide streets and how they slope, how they curve toward the shore, and we know their houses. We know the towering brick house where the magician Carter the Great lived; he had a theater inside and his dining-room table rose up through a trapdoor. We know that Paul Kantner from Jefferson Starship lived or maybe still does live in the house with the long swing that hangs above the ocean. We know that the swing was for China, the daughter he had with Grace Slick. China was born the same year we were, and whenever we pass the house we look for China on the swing. We know the imposing salmon-colored house that had a party at which masked robbers appeared; when a female guest wouldn’t relinquish her ring, they cut off her finger. We know where our school tennis instructor lives (dark blue tudor decorated with cobwebs every Halloween), where the school’s dean of admissions lives (white house with black gate)— both are women, both are wives. We know where the doctors and lawyers live, and where the multi-generation San Franciscans live, the kind of people whose family names are associated with mansions and hotels in other parts of the city. And most important, because we are thirteen and attend an all-girls’ school, we know where the boys live.
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