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Citation de gloubiboulga07186

"Oh my god," someone stammered from close by. I thought it might have been Hall.

Then someone else let out a hoarse shout. A high-pitched voice screamed. Hands grabbed at me, and I swung my gaze around, dazed from the punch, my chest heaving. I saw Sun's dark eyes widen with terror as she stared at something behind me, trying to tug me away. When I shoved at her, not trusting her in the slightest anymore, she gave up and turned, stumbling in her haste to get away.

"Shoot it!" someone cried, and panic streaked through me as I looked wildly around at the raiders now sprinting in all directions—away from us. Ryker was frozen in place by the school entrance, staring at something above me, eyes wide and unblinking.

I turned to grab Aury, but he was gone.

And in his place was something that my mind struggled to process for a moment. My eyes turned up.

And up.

My limbs clenched up, paralysing fear locking me in place.

Because in Aury's place was a true monster.
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