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Citation de gloubiboulga07186

"Wait... what's your real name?"

After a moment, One's face broke into a huge, beautiful grin, and I knew that was it. I was utterly smitten. Totally, one hundred percent gone for this strange, winged monster with creepy black eyes and ghostly, green-tinged skin.

"Aury," he said.

His smile was joyful and infectious, and I felt my mouth curling up even though I still felt like total shit. "Aury," I repeated, trying to say it just as he had—ow-ree.

When I said it, Aury's eyes flared with a strange, soft inner light for a split second "Yes." He nodded, his voice almost desperately eager. He leaned closer, one long-fingered hand hovering in the air before it curled over the edge of the mattress. His smile turned a little rueful. "I haven't heard anyone say it in so long."

God, he was killing me. "Aury," I repeated, more confidently, and smiled when Aury grinned again, showing off his even, white teeth. "It's... I like it," I told him, feeling shy. I wanted him to keep smiling like that.
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