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Citation de Taraxacum

"How did you find that out?”
“I called my sister.”
I frowned. “I thought Lara wasn’t speaking with you?”
Thomas’s voice went dry. “Just because she cut me off from the family’s money, kicked me out of any of our holdings, made it clear that I no longer have their protection, and she’s holding the woman I love as a virtual prisoner, don’t mean she doesn’t still like me personally.”
“So… she did you a little favor?” I said.
“Technically,” Thomas said, “she did you a little favor.”
“Why did she do that?” I asked.
“Well, I hinted about how, since her entire power base depended on a certain secret being kept, and since you were awfully irrational about protecting the good citizens of Chicago, that you might develop loose lips to sink her ship if she didn’t help you in your moment of need.”
“Um…” I said. “So you’re telling me that I just engaged in blackmail against the ruler of the White Court by proxy?”
“Yeah,” Thomas said. “You’ve got some great big brass balls on you to do something like that, Harry."
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